Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Holiday Hours

Friday, December 17, 2010
Holiday Kids Programs
Why not get the kids out of the house and to the library for some special programming this winter break? We've got The Frog Lady coming at 10:30 and 1:30 on Wednesday, December 22nd. She'll talk about the differences between amphibians and reptiles and will offer a close-up look at more than 20 live creatures! Dennis DeBondt will be here on Tuesday, December 28th at 11:00 and 2:00. He's one of the funniest (and tallest) magicians around! We've got Family Story Times on Tuesday, December 21st and Thursday, December 30th at 11:00. These are targeted to children ages 3 to 6. Finally, from December 20th through December 31st we'll open our All-Days Activity Table. From word searches to a "make your own puzzle" craft, the activities will be targeted to a range of school-age children. Materials for these DIY activities will change daily. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU!!!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Teen Book Group and Pizza Party
Have you signed up for our Teen Book Group yet? We'll be meeting on December 22nd at 3:30 to discuss M.T. Anderson's book Feed. We'll also have pizza! Please sign up ahead of time at the Readers Services desk so we know how much pizza to order. We'll also have books available for you to check out.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Another Great Art Program
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Classical Music Concert
The Chicago Chamber Players return to the Glencoe Public Library on Sunday December 12th at 5:00 to perform selections by Beethoven and Smetana. David Taylor (violin), Cornelius Chiu (violin), Rami Solomonov (viola) and Gary Stucka (cello) will perform the following works:
Beethoven's String Quartert No. 4 Op. 18 (Allegro ma non tanto, Andante scherzoso quasi Allegreto, Menuetto, Allegro, Prestissimo)
Smetana's String Quartet No. 1 in E Minor ("From My Life") (Allegro vivo appassionato, Allegro moderato a la Polka, Largo sostenuto, Vivace)
The library will close at 4:00 and will reopen for concert seating at 4:30. Seating is first come, first served and the concert is open to all. As always, we are grateful to the Friends of the Glencoe Public Library for sponsoring this wonderful event!
Beethoven's String Quartert No. 4 Op. 18 (Allegro ma non tanto, Andante scherzoso quasi Allegreto, Menuetto, Allegro, Prestissimo)
Smetana's String Quartet No. 1 in E Minor ("From My Life") (Allegro vivo appassionato, Allegro moderato a la Polka, Largo sostenuto, Vivace)
The library will close at 4:00 and will reopen for concert seating at 4:30. Seating is first come, first served and the concert is open to all. As always, we are grateful to the Friends of the Glencoe Public Library for sponsoring this wonderful event!
Marc Chagall Program
On Thursday December 9th at 7:00, art historian and professor Dr. Michelle Paluch-Mishur returns to the Glencoe Library with another one of her popular and informative art programs. This November the famous “Chagall Windows” returned to the galleries of The Art Institute of Chicago after a five-year absence. To mark the occasion, this program examines the career of Marc Chagall, one of the world's most beloved artists. Dr. Paluch-Mishur will discuss Chagall’s distinctive style and his major themes and will present many important paintings and projects Chagall completed including another Chicago favorite -- the Four Seasons Mosaic.
Book Discussion for Young Adults With Disabilities
Was Christopher McCandless crazy, cool, or a victim of bad luck? On December 6 at 7:00 you can discuss it at this special book group for young adults with disabilities who are out of high school and living in New Trier Township. The discussion will be led by Brian Leverenz, community services administrator of New Trier Township, with the assistance of Andy Millman of Glencoe Youth Services. It's presented by New Trier Township, Glencoe Youth Services, and the Glencoe Public Library.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Special Film on Youth with Disabilities
We will offer a special showing of the award-winning documentary film Including Samuel on Tuesday, November 30 at 7:00 PM. Including Samuel examines the educational and social inclusion of youth with disabilities. Based on one family's efforts to include their 8-year old son Samuel in all facets of their lives, the film also features the varied experiences of four other families along with interviews with teachers, parents, students, and disability rights experts. The film is 58 minutes long and will be followed by a discussion. This program is for parents, teachers, and caregivers only. Thank you to the Friends of the Glencoe Public Library for funding this program.
Friday, November 19, 2010
New Excerpts Now Available!
The weather's getting cold but there's some hot, hot news in our latest edition of Excerpts! Art and music programs, personal finance programs, film and book series, incredible kids programming - these are all to be found in our latest newsletter, along with details of our Winter Reading Club. Excerpts will be arriving at your door soon, but you can also access it online right now!!!
Thanksgiving Hours
The Glencoe Public Library will be closed on Thanksgiving, the 25th. We will also be closing at 5:00 on the previous day (Wednesday the 24th). Regular hours resume on Friday the 26th. Be sure to stock up on your holiday reading, listening and viewing while you can!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Come Read Aloud With Us!!!
Please join us on Thursday, November 18th at 7:00 as our popular Be Proud to Read Aloud program returns for its third straight year. Join other Glencoe families in celebrating the rewards of reading together in this popular open mic/read-aloud program. Anyone who can read aloud fluently is invited to participate; paired stories are especially welcome. Those who just want to listen are encouraged to attend, too.
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED if you would like to be one of the readers.
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED if you would like to be one of the readers.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Book Discussions for Everyone!
Have you tried one of our book groups yet? We offer a variety of book groups that meet once a month for lively discussion on all types of books.
Our newest book group, led by Readers' Services Associate Nancy Buehler, meets Wednesday evenings, with the next meeting scheduled for November 3 at 7:30. People of the Book, by Geraldine Brooks, will be the book discussed. Judy Levin leads our Wednesday afternoon book group as well as our Thursday evening nonfiction book group. The next books in these series are The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks on November 10 at 1:00 and The Forger's Spell on December 2 at 7:30. We also team with the League of Women Voters for occasional book groups, and are having a discussion The Big Short by Michael Lewis on Thurs October 28 at 7:00.
We have lots of copies of these books so come on by and start reading! Everyone is welcome - you do not have to be a Glencoe resident to attend one of our book discussions.
Monday, October 11, 2010
We're On Facebook!
Do you spend lots of time keeping up with family and friends on Facebook? The Glencoe Library now has a Facebook page! "Like" us and you'll be able to keep up with library news, find interesting facts and websites, discuss books and access library resources. Simply click here to get to our Facebook page, log in to your account and "Like" us! We look forward to seeing you on Facebook! By the way, we're on Twitter too!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Kids, Parents and Technology Program
Join us on Tuesday, October 26 at 7:00 pm as child psychiatrist Dr. Eitan Schwarz presents on the subject of ways to manage kids' media consumption and shows how to use it to enhance their development and family life. According to Dr. Schwarz, “without active parental planning and supervision, children consume junk media as they do junk food”. Topics to be discussed will include how to monitor kids’ Internet and texting activity, social networking safety tips, how to talk with kids about what they may encounter on the Internet, and ways to block access to inappropriate sites. This program is for parents and caregivers only. A former Glencoe resident, Dr. Schwarz is the author of Kids, Parents & Technology: An Instruction Guide for Young Families, which can be checked out from the library’s collection.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Book Sale Coming Up!
Fall is here and our used book sale is right around the corner! We have lots of books, CDs, DVDs and more at VERY reasonable prices. The Friends of the Glencoe Library sponsor the sale and members of the Friends have access to a preview on Friday night. All proceeds benefit the Glencoe Public Library. THANK YOU FRIENDS!!! Hours are as follows:
Saturday, October 16, 9 to 5
Sunday, October 17, 1 to 5, Everything Half Price
Monday October 18, 9 to 12, Bag Sale – $3/BAG
Saturday, October 16, 9 to 5
Sunday, October 17, 1 to 5, Everything Half Price
Monday October 18, 9 to 12, Bag Sale – $3/BAG
Saturday, October 02, 2010
New Book Group
Join us on Wednesday, October 6 for a discussion of the book Astrid and Veronika as part of our new Wednesday Evening Book Discussions. These discussions will be led by Nancy Buehler, who is both a Readers' Services Associate and experienced book discussion leader. We do not require preregistration and we have copies of the book available for checkout at the library. We hope to see you there!
Friday, October 01, 2010
A Special Visit from Beth and Hanni!
On Monday, October 11th, join us as Beth Finke, author of the children's book Hanni and Beth: Safe & Sound, presents on the topic of the rewards of teamwork, animal companionship, and perseverance. She will be joined by Hanni, a seeing eye dog who is also the costar of Hanni and Beth: Safe & Sound. Children and families in grades 1 and up are invited to attend. Thank you to the Friends of the Glencoe Public Library for funding this program!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Financial Programs to Help You and Your Heirs
We've got two upcoming financial programs that will offer invaluable tips on money management. The first program will address the question of whether you should convert a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA in 2010. A lot may be at stake in this issue: the decision can save you a great deal in taxes or cost you more tax than you would otherwise pay. Josh Markowitz of The Next Level Planning Group will discuss all the pros and cons, including some “outside of the box”strategies on both sides of the “To Convert or Not to Convert?” question.
The second program will present an overview of the basic components of an estate plan - wills, living trusts, powers of attorney, and living wills - and will show how they interact to achieve your goals during life and at death. Mary Cascino, a partner in Cascino & Associates, P.C. in Glencoe and senior counsel to Handler Thayer LLP in Chicago, will lead this program.
Dates and times for these programs:
Roth IRA Conversions:Golden Opportunity or Dangerous Tax Trap?
Thursday, September 30, 7:30 pm
Estate Planning for Everyone
Tuesday, October 5, 7:30 pm
The second program will present an overview of the basic components of an estate plan - wills, living trusts, powers of attorney, and living wills - and will show how they interact to achieve your goals during life and at death. Mary Cascino, a partner in Cascino & Associates, P.C. in Glencoe and senior counsel to Handler Thayer LLP in Chicago, will lead this program.
Dates and times for these programs:
Roth IRA Conversions:Golden Opportunity or Dangerous Tax Trap?
Thursday, September 30, 7:30 pm
Estate Planning for Everyone
Tuesday, October 5, 7:30 pm
Monday, September 20, 2010
Banned Book Week and Special Performance
The annual Banned Books Week, sponsored by the American Library Association's Office of Intellectual Freedom, takes place from September 25 - October 3, but this year we're doing something different! On Sunday, October 3 at 2:00 we'll be hosting a live reading of excerpts from the top ten most frequently challenged books of 2009 by City Lit Theater Company. City Lit, a Chicago theater specializing in staged adaptations of literary material, will perform Books on the Chopping Block at special events and libraries all week long. Glencoe will host the only suburban performance so be sure to not miss it. It runs 50 minutes and will be followed by a brief discussion.
For more information on Banned Book Week please visit the website of the Office of Intellectual Freedom of the American Library Association.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Fines for Food Begins Soon
Looking for a chance to clear any overdue fines on your library account and do some good in your community at the same time? From Monday, September 20 through Sunday, October 3, all overdue fines collected will be donated to the New Trier Township Pantry. You can clear your library account and help those who need assistance! “Fines For Food” does not apply to payments made for lost items.
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Download MP3 Music With Freegal

For information on Freegal Music and other great online music services, be sure to attend our September 21st Technology Tuesday class. Our Technology Tuesday classes meet at 1:00 in the afternoon.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Library Closing for Staff Training
On Friday, October 1, the Glencoe Public Library will be closed for staff training. We will reopen Saturday, October 2. We apologize for any inconvenience and remind you to visit us online!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
New Excerpts Available Online
The September issue of the library newsletter Excerpts is now online. It includes information on upcoming financial programs, informative programs for parents and caregivers, and kids' book groups. You'll also learn a new way to "check out" music from your computer, the dates of our next book sale and classical music concert and much much more! Glencoe residents will be receiving a print copy of Excerpts in the mail sometime in the next week, but in the meantime you can access it online as a pdf.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Labor Day Closing and Sunday Hours
The library will be closed in recognition of Labor Day on Monday, September 6. Sunday hours will resume the following Sunday, September 12 and will continue until next summer. Our hours on Sundays are 1-5.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Carpeting Project
Between August 30 and September 4 we will be removing and replacing the 15-year-old carpet in the children's department with new carpeting. Unfortunately, this means that access to the second floor will be restricted for this period. The children's department staff and a small selection of materials will be available in the Hammond Room. Please feel free to send any questions related to this project to Melissa Henderson. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Monday, August 09, 2010
From Page to Stage Kickoff

August Board Meeting Cancelled
The library board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 18th has been cancelled. The next meeting will be September 15th. All meetings are scheduled for the third Wendesday of the month at 7:30 in the library's Hammond Room. Members of the public are invited to attend. You can get more information, including dates, agendas and board members, here.
Monday, August 02, 2010
Pet Parade Date Changed to Sat. August 7th
Please note that the date of our popular Pet Parade has changed from the date listed in Excerpts. Due to the massive crowds expected in Glencoe for the Grand Prix, we are now going have the Pet Parade on SATURDAY AUGUST 7 at 2:00. Whether you have a pup, a cat, a frog, or a webkinz, you can bring your favorite pet - real or imaginary - to the annual pet parade. Children ages 4 and older with their pet are invited to participate; kids younger than 8 must be with an adult. All pets must have had their shots and be on a leash or in a crate/box. Registration is required. Event cancelled in case of rain or other inclement weather.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Summer Reading Coming to an End!
This summer we've had a record number of people sign up for our reading clubs, and we've been very busy singing people up, handing out prizes and listening to book reviews. The children's reading club wraps up this weekend, Saturday the 31st, with a pizza party at noon. All kids who participated are welcome to come by. Meanwhile, adults and young adults have until Sunday, August 8th to finish their reading and pick up their final prize. Once again, we thank all of the local businesses that donated prizes and the Friends of the Library for helping to make this summer's reading club the most successful one yet!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Barnes Collection Programs for Art Lovers (and Everyone Else!)
The Barnes Foundation possesses one of the world's great collections of late 19th and 20th century art. On July 28 at 7:00, art historian Jeff Mishur returns to the library to discuss the Barnes collection, the events that led to the financial meltdown of The Barnes Foundation, and its pending relocation to downtown Philadelphia. Then, as part of our Monday Night at the Movies series, on August 16th at both 1:00 and 7:00 we will show the film The Art of the Steal, a documentary about Albert C. Barnes, his collection and the controversies involving the collection decades after his death. All Monday Night at the Movies showings happen at the Woman's Library Club, 325 Tudor Court.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Art Programs for Kids

Thursday, July 15: Suminagashi – Try this ancient form of Japanese art and create marbleized designs on paper.
Thursday, August 19: Art Outdoors – Spend time outdoors in the library’s yard drawing inspiration from nature.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Library catalog will be down Friday night July 30th
The library catalog will not be available from Friday, July 30 at 9 p.m. until Saturday, July 31 at 7 a.m. while Commonwealth Edison repairs power lines that service the computer center. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Thanks to all our Summer Reading Club Donors!
Summer Reading Clubs are in full swing with hundreds of readers of all ages participating. If you haven't signed up, we'd like to encourage you to do so - there are gifts for signing up and reading, plus free video coupons and weekly raffle drawings for the adults and great prizes for the kids! We want to say a heartfelt thanks to the Friends of the Glencoe Public Library for underwriting our clubs for children, young adults and adults. Their support helps make these programs so successful.
We would also like to thank the Glencoe organizations and merchants who have made generous donations in support of Summer Reading Clubs.
We would also like to thank the Glencoe organizations and merchants who have made generous donations in support of Summer Reading Clubs.
- 7-Eleven
- Angeliza Spa
- Apple a Day
- B Friends
- Books on Vernon
- Chicago Botanic Garden
- Chin’s Chop Suey
- Foodstuffs
- Glencoe Roast Coffee
- Grand Food Center
- Harris Bank
- Homemade Pizza
- Little Red Hen
- Mi-Te Print
- North Shore School of the Arts
- North Shore Community Bank
- Parkway Drugs
- State Farm Insurance
- Temptations
- Vernon’s on Vernon
Monday, June 14, 2010
Another Summer of Movies on the Green

Friday, June 18 – Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
Friday, July 23 – Hotel for Dogs
Friday, August 20 – Up
In the event of rain, screenings will occur in the council chamber in Village Hall.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
July 4th Hours
In honor of Independence Day, we will be closed on Monday, July 5th. We are also closed all Sundays through the summer, so be sure to pick up your weekend reading/viewing on Saturday!
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Summer Reading Begins June 12

After reading six books, the official program prize is yours. Remember to enter our drawings for weekly prizes. Once again, we’ll be giving out our popular free video rental coupons good for every book read. Two grand prizes will be awarded at the close of the program. Whether you choose to journey near or far, plenty of booklists will be on hand to guide you. Happy reading! Thanks to the Friends of the Glencoe Public Library for their generous support of our Summer Reading Programs.
Friends Book Sale
Our next book sale begins Saturday, June 12, with half price deals on Sunday and $3/bag sale on Monday. The sale runs 9-5 on Saturday, 1-5 on Sunday and 9-12 on Monday. Don't forget that there's still time to become a Friend of the Library and have access to the Friday night preview! As always, the Friends are responsible for making this great book sale (and lots of other library programming) happen!
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Ravinia Ticket Distribution
The Ravinia Festival has donated a limited number of lawn passes to area libraries for distribution to their patrons. We will begin distributing tickets on Saturday, June 5 to Glencoe residents only (age 18 and up) on a first-come, first-served basis. There is a limit of two free tickets per household. Tickets go fast, so come on by first thing on Saturday for the best selection!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Memorial Day and Summer Hours
The library will be closed this Sunday, May 30 and Monday, May 31, in honor of Memorial Day. We will remain closed on Sundays through the Labor Day Weekend. Meanwhile, we are always open online!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
New Excerpts Available Online
The June issue of Excerpts will be coming to your mailbox in the next week, but for those who cannot wait to see what exciting programs are going to be offered this summer, you can also access Excerpts online. You'll see information about our Summer Reading program, a new From Page to Stage program, free Ravinia Tickets, Movies on the Green, exciting new kids programs and more, more, more!
Teen Study Break Lounge
Looking for a quiet place to study before Finals? With free food and drinks and comfy chairs? Why not come by the library for teen study break lounge? The lounge will be running on May 28 (10 - 5), May 29 (10 - 4:30), June 1 (10 - 8:30) and June 2 (10 - 8:30). While you're there, you can sign up for our YA Summer Reading Club. You get a prize for signing up and another prize for reading 6 books by August 7. You'll also get video rental coupons for each book you read and you'll be entered for a weekly drawing. Free food and great prizes at the library!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Now Available: Downloadable Ebooks
We're excited to announce the addition of My Media Mall to our great list of databases accessible to Glencoe residents. My Media Mall lets you "check out" and download ebooks to your computer or ereader, such as Sony Reader, Nook and more (not compatible with Kindle or Ipad). In addition, My Media Mall lets you download audiobooks to your MP3 player, Ipod and computer. We also still offer Netlibrary for audiobook downloads as well. You can see more information on all of our options for downloadable audiobooks and ebooks here. Also, be sure to mark your calendars for June 15th at 1:00 when we will be demonstrating how to download audiobooks and ebooks from My Media Mall. We hope you enjoy this new way of checking out books!
Kill-A-Watt Meters Now Available
ComEd has provided the library with a Kill-A-Watt meter for check out. Kill-A-Watt meters allow you to measure how much electricity your appliances use when they are turned off. You may be surprised to learn how much electricity that HD television wastes when it is not being used. It also comes with helpful energy-saving tips, tools and incentives that will save you money and reduce your carbon footprint. Kill-A-Watt meters can be checked out for a week. For more information, ask at the Circulation Desk.
Friday, May 07, 2010
Meet Otto Barnett!
Come by the library on Sunday, May 16 at 2:00 for a special presentation about Otto Barnett, one of the early community leaders in Glencoe. Mr. Barnett was involved in national politics and his experiences in Europe at the beginning of World War I made the national news. You'll also learn about early mid 20th Century life in Glencoe through Mr. Barnett's personal papers. This program is jointly sponsored by the library and the Glencoe Historical Society.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Annual Report Released
The annual report for fiscal year 2009-2010 has been released and is available online or in print at the library. Some highlights include:
- 90% of Glencoe residents have a library card
- Increases of 21% in program attendance, 19% in reference questions answered and 8.4% increase in materials loaned
- Glencoe residents, on average, visit the library 16 times per year
For more information on facts included in the annual report, please contact the library.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Teen Photo Program
The Glencoe Public Library and the Glencoe Historical Society are sponsoring a photo program for students in 6th through 9th grades called My Place: How I See Glencoe to unearth the mysteries of Glencoe in pictures and see how it has changed over the years. The project will culminate with a photo exhibition to be displayed at the Fourth of July Art Fair on the Village Green.
Meetings will take place Wednesday and Friday afternoons from June 16 through July 2 (1-3 pm). The first meeting will be held at the Glencoe Library and pizza will be served. Registration is required. For more information, contact the library.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Coming Soon - Check Out Ebooks to your Ereaders
You've been asking for a way to check out ebooks to your ereaders so we'll soon be offering a solution. My Media Mall is a database coming to our library in May, and it will allow you to check out ebooks to ereaders such as Sony Readers, Nook and more (unfortunately, it does not work with the Kindle). Ebooks can be checked out for two weeks. My Media Mall will also offer audiobooks for checkout to your Ipods and other mp3 players.
For more information on My Media Mall ask at the reference desk, or attend our May 18 Technology Tuesday program on Ebooks and Ereaders, where we will demonstrate how to check out ebooks from My Media Mall to a Sony Reader. All Technology Tuesday programs meet at 7:00.
For more information on My Media Mall ask at the reference desk, or attend our May 18 Technology Tuesday program on Ebooks and Ereaders, where we will demonstrate how to check out ebooks from My Media Mall to a Sony Reader. All Technology Tuesday programs meet at 7:00.
It's National Library Week!

Monday, March 29, 2010
Join us for an Afternoon Concert

Debussy Quartet in G Minor Opus 10 (Anime et tres decide, Assez vif et bien rhythme, Andantino and Tres Modere) and Borodin Quartet No. 2 in D Major (Allergro moderato, Scherzo, Nocturne and Andante--Vivace).
The library will close at 4:00pm and will reopen at 4:30 pm for concert seating. Admission is free and all are welcome.
Thanks for the Great Response!!!
Thank you to everybody who took time to the fill out our planning survey. The number of responses to the survey was much greater than we could have imagined and we appreciate being part of a community that feels like it has a voice in its library's operations. We'll be looking into ways to integrate your suggestions into our planning process as it proceeds over the next few months.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Library Survey Now Available
It's your library. Tell us what you want it to be.
The Glencoe Public Library is in the process of creating a new strategic plan - a plan that will shape library services and programs for the next three years. Your participation in a brief survey will help the library succeed in meeting your needs.
The Library Survey button on the homepage will take you directly to the online survey form (or you can click here). After you complete the form, please use the button at the end to email it to the library. The survey must be received by March 28. Paper copies of the survey will also be available in the library March 15-28.
It will only take a few minutes to complete and every member of your household is encouraged to participate. The Board of Trustees of the Glencoe Public Library thanks you for your time - your ideas are very important!
The Glencoe Public Library is in the process of creating a new strategic plan - a plan that will shape library services and programs for the next three years. Your participation in a brief survey will help the library succeed in meeting your needs.
The Library Survey button on the homepage will take you directly to the online survey form (or you can click here). After you complete the form, please use the button at the end to email it to the library. The survey must be received by March 28. Paper copies of the survey will also be available in the library March 15-28.
It will only take a few minutes to complete and every member of your household is encouraged to participate. The Board of Trustees of the Glencoe Public Library thanks you for your time - your ideas are very important!
Monday, March 01, 2010
More Time to Watch Movies!

Monday, February 22, 2010
Are You Ready For Our Book Sale?
Our next book sale begins Saturday February 27th and runs through Monday the 1st, with all books going for half-price on Sunday (book sale hours are 1-5) and bags of books for $2.00 on Monday (hours are 9-12). Members of the Friends of the Glencoe Public Library also have access to a special preview sale on Friday night. The book sale is sponsored by the Friends and all proceeds benefit the Glencoe Public Library. The entrance is in the side parking lot on Village Ct. This is always a popular event, so make sure you come bright and early!!!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
New Excerpts Available Online
Programs on Henri Matisse and Otto Barnett are among the highlights to be found in the new edition of Excerpts, the library newsletter. Information on these special programs, along with new children's programs and all the updated movie, book and technology groups, will be delivered to your house sometime in Februrary, but in the meantime you can access Excerpts online and see what exciting events will be happening at your library over the next three months!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Dr. Lise Eliot Explores Blue Brains and Pink Brains
We've got a fascinating special program coming up on Thursday, February 25 at 7:00 p.m., as Dr. Lise Eliot, author of the book Pink Brain, Blue Brain: How Small Differences Grow into Troublesome Gaps - and What We Can Do About It, visits the library to talk about the differences between girls' and boys' brains, as well as the harmful nature of gender stereotypes. Dr. Eliot's book has been lauded by the New Yorker, Newsweek and The Washington Post and the program will be of interest to parents, caregivers, teachers, and all those interested in the development of children. You can also get a copy of the book here.
Lots of Smiles on Library Snapshot Day

Monday, January 25, 2010
Chicago Wolves Reading Club for Kids

Friday, January 22, 2010
Guy's Book Group rescheduled for February 10
The Guys' Book Group originally scheduled for Wednesday, January 27 has been moved to Wednesday, February 10 at 7:30 p.m. The group will discuss the book City of Thieves, by David Benioff, an adventure tale set during the siege of Leningrad and based on true life stories told by the author's grandfather who survived World War II in Russia.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Two Special History Programs Coming Up
We're partnering with the Glencoe Historical Society to bring you two Sunday afternoon programs for the whole family. On Jan. 31st, Lisa Cushing Davis, interim executive director of the Mitchell Museum of the American Indian in Evanston will present Indians of the North Shore, about the Potawatomi Indians. Then, on Feb. 28, Glencoe author Bob Sideman returns to present a program in honor of Black History Month called Famous Black Americans Whose History Touched Glencoe.
Both programs begin at 2 p.m. at the Glencoe Public Library and admission is always free! Contact us or visit the Glencoe Historical Society for more information.
Both programs begin at 2 p.m. at the Glencoe Public Library and admission is always free! Contact us or visit the Glencoe Historical Society for more information.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Glencoe Public Library Receives Illinois Centennial Award
At our centennial party last weekend, we were presented the Centennial Award from the Illinois State Historical Society. Watch the video below to see Trustee John Tuohy reading from the plaque.
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Library Publishes Centennial History
We've had such an exciting 100 years that we decided to publish our history as a book! We revealed the book Our First 100 Years at our centennial celebration, and you can view it online here, or come in to the library to view a hard copy. We hope you enjoy it!
Saturday, January 02, 2010
Happy Birthday to Us!!!

Study Break Lounge for Finals
Looking to take a break while studying for finals? Stop by our Study Break Lounge for FREE snacks and socializing. Help keep your stress level down and have fun at the same time. The lounge will be in the Hammond Room on the mezzanine level on Saturday the 9th, and will be in the YA Media Room every other day (Monday the 11th through Thursday the 14th). And while you're here, be sure to sign up for our Winter Reading Club as well!
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