Many of you are familiar with
My Media Mall, our site for checking out ebooks. Finally, you can check out books from
My Media Mall to your
Kindle! Start by visiting
My Media Mall and click on the picture that says
Now Available: Library eBooks for Kindle (or you can scroll down and choose the
Kindle option under
Collections). You can add books to your cart or place a hold if there is not currently a copy available. When you check out, you will be sent to the Amazon site where you will be given the option to send the book to your
Ebooks from
My Media Mall can also be checked out to
Kindle apps (on devices like iPad, iPhones and computers) and the Kindle cloud reader. You will need to be on a wireless network to check out books wirelessly - 3G only
Kindles will need to have the usb cord attached to transfer a book.
It's all fairly straightforward but if you have questions, please contact the
reference desk!