Monday, April 01, 2013

Memoir-writing Workshop

Interested in writing memoir - for family, friends, a larger audience, or just yourself? Award winning writers Sharon and Steve Fiffer will lead four This Is Your Life workshops in April to help you get started or to shape and refine a current endeavor. Each of the 90-minute sessions will focus on a different aspect of writing memoir: memory, context, perspective, and style. In-class activities will include writing and workshopping in a safe, supportive environment and critiques with the Fiffers. This is not a how to-get published workshop, but the Fiffers will share their experiences in the publishing world. The program will meet at 7:00 on Mondays from April 8 - April 29 and you should sign up by Friday, April 5th.

Registration is required; please call the library at (847) 835-5056 to sign up. If the number of registrants exceeds class capacity, priority will be given to Glencoe residents.